He is definitely the most Brazilian across all Bulgarians! Great DJ and Producer, Kosta Kostov has started traveling to Brazil since October 2007. From south to north, west to east. And, of course, this influence is pretty much reflected in his daily life.
DJ CHAT: Dubben
Dubben is a Berlin based DJ and producer. He has been collecting Brazilian records since early 90’s and opened his house for a great chat with Rodrigo da Matta.
DJ CHAT: Rodrigo Bento e a Pilantragi
No comando da festa Pilantragi, em São Paulo, já foram mais de 350 edições e carnavais de rua que chegaram a mover mais de 30 mil pessoas em um único dia.
DJ CHAT: Lewis Robinson & Duncan Ballantyne
Lewis Robinson runs the label MAIS UM DISCOS which is a brilliant work focused on Brazilian music releases. Duncan Ballantyne runs the label Tiger`s Milk Records focused on Peruvian music.